When it comes to golfing, I am a novice. I used to think that golfing was just what old men did in their spare time while they discussed business matters, but I’ve recently been convinced otherwise. I’m dating a guy who absolutely loves golf, so I decided to try it out.
On a beautiful July morning, I found myself standing on a bed of thick green grass, a Maxfli golf ball at my feet, a 3-iron Wilson golf club in my hand, and a soft breeze blowing through my hair. It was a good day to be outdoors on the driving range, and I was ready to take a swing! As a prior softball player, I was positive that with one swing I could send that Maxfli golf ball out into the green abyss of the golf course, but shortly after my club made contact with the ball, it landed right back at my feet! Somewhat irritated, I took another swing. This time it landed about eight feet to my left. Over and over I swung, I hacked, I literally beat each ball with my club, but this I did to no avail.
Luckily, this event wasn’t completely hopeless. A couple of times my trusty 3-iron made ideal, though I’ll admit, accidental contact with the ball, sending it about 150 yards ahead. My initial thought was, “I hate this game… but I love it!!!” With just those few successful swings, I was hooked. I may be a beginner and the game may be frustrating at first, but I look forward to my next golf outing! The amateur begins!
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