Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hogan Golf Swing Secret for Beginners

Written by Kevin W Robinson

Was there really a Ben Hogan golf swing secret, and if he did have one why is it we do not know about it. Was it the Hogan golf grip, the Hogan golf equipment, exactly what was his golf swing secret? Part of his secret was his ability to concentrate on his swing and adjust it as needed between the back swing and the down swing and make perfect contact with the ball each time without having to think about it.

It would be nice if I could tell you that by just reading an article and by changing a few of your golf swing habits, that you could be playing golf like Ben Hogan or today's Tiger Woods. But, if there is a secret for beginner golfers, it is to understand that you will probably never play like Ben Hogan or today's Tiger Woods. The secret to their kind of golf is years and years of hard work and practice. For most people like you and me, we will be lucky to break 100. But, that's alright for a recreational golfer who is just trying to play a decent round of golf and have a good time doing it.

People like Ben Hogan took their practicing to an altogether different level. It is said that Hogan would analyze each practice ball to determine which ways he could improve before hitting the next ball. Doing so meant taking many hours of practice to hit just a few balls, but by being so meticulous with his practice he was able to eliminate any bad habits before they became part of his memory. His goal was to have the perfect golf swing and he would stop at nothing to reach that level.

He wrote several books on the golf swing and tried to pass on to whoever wanted to read about it the secret of his success. But, anyone who did read his books could never be really sure of what he was doing to obtain such consistency and accuracy. Most people felt that Hogan's abilities were really just something Hogan himself was able to master. It was not really something that could be taught to a novice player, but was for the more seasoned golfer who was willing to put years of practice into the game like Hogan did.

To understand Hogan, it is necessary to try to understand what was going on in his mind when he played the game. For if we can make ourselves internalize the correct swing fundamentals to the point that we no longer have to think about them the rest is easy. Many experts have tried to interpret what Hogan's secret to consistency was and have concluded that it was partly in how he kept his weight evenly distributed on his feet. Also, his power of concentration and being able to clear his mind of all outside thoughts contributed to his success.

But maybe his real secret was his dedication to the game and unwillingness to accept nothing but perfection from himself.

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