Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Golf Tips on Putting

Written by Ed J Taylor.

Putting is such an important part of golf and yet most amateur golfers that do actually practice spend little or no time practicing their putting. Since putting accounts for around 35% of total shots per round for better golfers, you can seen why it's so important to work on your putting if you want to lower your golf handicap. You know what they say, "Drive for show, Putt for the dough!" With this in mind, let's go over some golf tips on putting that can help you lower your putts per round.

How you position yourself over a putt is very important. You want to make sure your eyes are directly over your intended putting line. This way you will see the exact path you want your ball to take and you will be able to visualize your putt rolling into the hole more easily. Ball and hand position should be just a hair towards your front foot. Keep your putter shaft in line with your left forearm (for righties). This position will allow your putter face to put a good roll on the ball.

Short putts can cause lots of tension in a golfers putting stroke. To help you have a more consistent putting stroke you'll want to accelerate through the ball. Many times the putting backswing can become too long which causes you to decelerate through the ball resulting in inconsistent putting. To help cure this problem, when on the practice putting green place a 2nd ball about 6" behind the ball you are putting. Stroke your putts without hitting the 2nd ball and you will be forced to have a shorter backswing with acceleration through the putt.

Once you are comfortable with a shorter backswing, here's something you can do to help you focus in on the target. Place a coin on the practice green and practice putting to it. Using a smaller target will help you to focus your aim so that when you are putting during a round you will focus on the center of the cup and not just the whole cup. This drill can also be used to help you develop a better feel for longer putts.

These golf tips on putting can be very helpful to you if you want to lower your golf handicap. The next time you're working on your game, make sure you devote equal time to putting as well as hitting your metal woods and irons. You'll be happy you did because sinking more putts is the quickest way to lowering your handicap.

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